By Rev. Iris Knapp
In the early 1990's my life started to fall apart. I discovered my minister/husband had become addicted and my life as I had known it began to fall apart. During this time, I discovered a wonderful Moody radio station that I started listening to as I was getting myself and my young children ready for the day. There was amazing worship, preaching & teaching that helped me focus on God in the midst of the storm.
In time this station was no longer available in Atlanta & I started listening to talk radio, Christian stations, along with sermon “tapes” and audio books. There was always something playing in the background – at home, in the car, working out and at work. Listening provided me an escape from thinking and dwelling on the “hard” in my life.A few years back when I first read “Emotionally Healthy Spiritually” God convicted me about taking time to listen to Him. None of the things I listened to were bad in themselves and many times God used them in my life, but I couldn't hear the source of all the good. I couldn't actually hear God over the noise. He wanted to speak directly to me – personally, on a regular basis.
Don't get me wrong, I love podcasts & worship music but when was I giving God my undivided attention??? Yes, He does and will speak to us through all of these other things, but we miss out on something special when we don't take time to stop long enough hear His still small voice.
Having “devotions” is not the same as hearing and listening for His voice. We must learn to hear Him. Yes, it is a learning process. Taking our thoughts into captivity 2 Corinthians 10:5-6. He wants a personal relationship with us individually. The more I have learned & practiced listening the more I have heard & it has changed my life!
My prayer for you in this coming year in the middle of whatever the HARD is in your life right now is that you will take the time to be quiet to hear His voice. You think you don't have time? Do it in bed before the kids get up or when they go to sleep, in your car or taking a walk. God created us for fellowship with Him.
NKJV I Kings 19: 11-12
Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire, a still small voice.
Resources to get you started:
Joyful Journey: Listening to Immanuel from Life Model Works
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality: Day by Day by Peter Scazzero
Emotionally Healthy Relationships: Day by Day by Peter Scazzero
About the Author:
Rev. Iris Knapp is a contributing author of Uniquely Us, chapter 13 “Trapped in the Maze of Abuse and Trauma.”
If you want to work with Rev. Iris or join a group contact her at:
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