Our Services
What We Do
The International Association of NeuroDiverse Christian Marriage exists to train and equip those who work with NeuroDiverse Christian Couples. We also seek to serve couples where there is a new diagnosis, those desiring next steps, or those seeking to learn from other couples further along on their journey.
We want to remind you that...
There is Hope for Your future!
And You do not have to be alone on this journey!
Why We Do What We Do
In the 1990’s the terms Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) and High Function Autism (HFA) became part of the diagnostic lexicon, yet research and support for adults on the autism spectrum are still lacking. While we no longer use the terms Asperger's or denote high or low functioning autism, we have not really understood the concept of NeuroDiversity in the therapeutic or ministry world.
With that in mind have you considered that therapeutic approaches and modalities taught in various schools of training make the assumption both persons in marriage counseling are neuro-typical (NT) and possess essential, compatible or similar communication skill sets?
We invite you to learn about AS-NT or NeuroDiverse Christian couples and better understand the nuances and challenges that NeuroDiverse Christian couples face in communication and connection with each other.
The International Association of NeuroDiverse Christian Marriages, LLC believes in covenant marriage as defined Biblically, and we are here to equip and train you to better understand, serve, support, counsel, and minister to NeuroDiverse Christian Couples.
Our Model
Educate, Equip, Effective Strategies so that you can be Energized and run the race with Endurance!
Many professionals and ministers are not educated about the adult autism spectrum population, and much less is understood about the nuances of relationships on the autism spectrum. The method used in coaching and counseling practices is to first educate the couple about the spectrum and their differences in neurology. The coach, counselor, chaplain, or minister will also need to understand more about the autism spectrum in order to help educate the couple about their differences and complexities in their relationship. In the Education portion of this training, the viewer will be invited to broaden their understanding of the spectrum from what they may have learned concerning children on the autism spectrum. Changes in identification and terms used, as well the importance of language will be discussed in this module. The viewer will also be invited to understand the concept of NeuroDiversity and its importance to better serving a NeuroDiverse couple.
This training goes beyond lecture-based lessons to include interviews of couples on the spectrum as well as ministers concerning the complexities that may be challenging to faith-based NeuroDiverse couples. Several couples participated in surveys and questionnaires to Equip the viewers on strategies that were helpful or harmful for NeuroDiverse couples. Bibliotherapy is a key component in a couple's work; books that are recommended for the viewer, as well as the couple, are taught with an explanation of homework that may be used with various books as part of the equipping process. Using positive psychology and strength-based methods, the viewer will be taught to build on strengths present in the couple and identify challenge areas or communication gaps to build the needed tools for effective strategies specifically suited for the dynamics of the couple.
Effective Strategies
This third level of training is what many would consider where marriage work begins. Marriage work or therapy can begin with the foundation of Education and Equipping with essential tools for the faith-based NeuroDiverse couple. Effective strategies will be discussed and how to decide what strategies or options are best-suited from couple to couple.
Being a NeuroDiverse marriage is a long-term commitment to learning. As an individual has developmental stages of change, so does the life of a marriage from newly married, for some children, then empty nest, caring for aging parents and retirement. New challenges arise for each new stage of marriage and NeuroDiverse marriages will need support over the long term. So as Apostle Paul says in our Christian lives we are to "run the race with endurance," there is not a destination or end point to marriage growth or work, only different types of help or support needed along the way to have a healthy marriage where both spouses have fulfillment. Maintenance is a good practice and definitely necessary for NeuroDiverse relationships. Courses and Groups are great for Education, Equipping, learning Effective Strategies and for Endurance!